Living healthy
Nutrition, movement, faith
Since we have left Germany in July 2018 to start with this great adventure, living healthy life has started to take on more strength. Right now we are sitting in my parents' dining room and it is incredible to be able to see around us and slowly realize what we are becoming, the family that we still wanted to be a few months ago!
We are finally living that life that fits our family, without the stress of the daily routine, because now every day is different and there are no fixed plans!
It doesn't mean that we're not working, on the contrary, we keep on working but in a different way. This time we finally do what we really like and decide when, at what time and how we do it. Being independent gives us a feeling of indescribable freedom and allows us to be more creative and enterprising. You do the projects with your heart, because we know that they have a positive purpose and that motivates us every day to continue working and at the same time enjoying what God allows us to do.
For us to live healthy is mainly to let ourselves be guided by God. When we are connected to the one who created us we are more grateful, compassionate, loving and value each day that he gives us to give everything and contribute something positive to society. If we don't feel balanced and connected to our inner selves, it's likely that just eating healthy, exercising or caring for our skin wouldn't have that same positive impact on our lives.
Part of this project apart from traveling is to be able to continue carrying healthy HABITS despite the lack of comfort, and also to share with you what works for us to find peace and harmony within the family.